6 must-read blockchain books for 2023

Blockchain still is a vast and evolving technology. Despite the ambiguity surrounding this topic, blockchain has been gaining a steady influence on financial markets. Demandsage predicts a $163.83 billion market for blockchain technology by 2029, with a compound annual growth rate of 56.3%. Comparable to a checkbook that’s dispersed among many computer systems worldwide, blockchain is an unalterable and distributed ledger for popular cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum and XRP.

However, when it comes to learning about blockchain technology, it can be difficult to select the best material because of the topic’s popularity. To help, we have handpicked a few popular books on the subject written by experts in the field. So regardless of whether one is trying to grasp the fundamentals or dig deeper into blockchain technology, in no particular order, here are our six must-read books on this topic:

1. Blockchain and the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies and Practical Applications

Publisher: Kogan Page

Authors: Nick Vyas, Aljosja Beije and Bhaskar Krishnamachari

Blockchain and the Supply Chain is a must-read for students, professionals and entrepreneurs interested in the intersection of blockchain and supply chain management. This revised edition covers all of the key benefits of integrating blockchain into the supply chain. The authors support their arguments with the most recent case studies and examples from IBM, ABN-AMRO and Maersk Line. The book also discusses the latest platforms in supply chain integration, such as Hyperledger and Ethereum as well as how blockchain may enhance metrics, tracking and performance for supply chain management. There are quizzes, sample assignments and instructional slides throughout the book.

2. Blockchain Principles and Applications in IoT

Publisher: Chapman & Hall

Authors: Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh, Valentina Emilia Balas and Ahmed A. Elngar

Blockchain Principles and Applications in IoT explores every facet of blockchain technology and how it’s used in internet of things (IoT). The main topics include the features and attributes of blockchain and the fundamental technologies that form the basis of the blockchain network. The chapters are arranged in a logical order and track the development and timeline of blockchain from cryptocurrency to the platforms and apps that are now used by the majority of global, financial and industrial sectors because of their ease of use, greater security and transparency. Consensus algorithms, such as PAROX, RAFT and their applications, are also covered in this guide. Graduates and researchers in IT and computer science are the intended audience for this book.

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3. Blockchain Technology: Exploring Opportunities, Challenges, and Applications

Publisher: CRC Press

Authors: Sonali Vyas, Vinod Kumar Shukla, Shaurya Gupta, Ajay Prasad

Blockchain Technology is for anyone looking to gain a fundamental grasp of blockchain technology and its endless possibilities. Geared toward an introductory audience, this thoroughly researched guide provides a sneak peek into the diverse applications of blockchain technology. It offers case studies while discussing blockchain technology’s characteristics, challenges and future trends. Current blockchain trends and industry needs are also used to discuss the algorithms, concepts, application areas and their use cases in academia. It also explores the challenges and future trends of blockchain as well as how to capitalize on new opportunities.

4. Blockchain and Web3: Building the Cryptocurrency, Privacy, and Security Foundations of the Metaverse

Publisher: Wiley

Author: Winston Ma and Ken Huang

Blockchain and Web3 presents an in-depth assessment of some of the leading technologies in the new digital economy including blockchain, the metaverse and Web 3.0. It also examines the crucial elements of how these new technologies are used in the real world with a focus on security, privacy and data governance. The readers gain a clear picture of the next-generation internet and the security and privacy issues surrounding it. This book explores the true possibilities of blockchains, decentralized finance (DeFi), Web 3.0, smart contracts and the metaverse, going beyond the financial implications of blockchain and breaking down the most recent advancements in the field.

5. Enterprise Strategy for Blockchain: Lessons in Disruption from Fintech, Supply Chains, and Consumer Industries (Management on the Cutting Edge)

Publisher: The MIT Press

Author: Ravi Sarathy

Enterprise Strategy for Blockchain discusses the disruptive potential of blockchain technology and offers tips to businesses on how they might use it to their benefit. The book illustrates the distinctive advantages of blockchain by using examples from industries such as finance, supply chains, computer services, consumer goods and entertainment. Examples include the capability of blockchain to remove intermediaries, mitigate cyberattacks and provide data decentralization. The book also covers DeFi and other cutting-edge disruptive technologies. It also encourages organizations to overcome the resistance to change and teaches them how to take the first steps toward adopting blockchain technology.

6. Understanding Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies: A Primer for Implementing and Developing Blockchain Projects

Publisher: CRC Press

Author: Akira Summers

Understanding Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies can benefit both technology enthusiasts and seasoned professionals with its straightforward writing style, which makes it easy to understand the importance of blockchain technology and its timeline. Project managers and developers interested in creating blockchain-based applications can also gain a lot from reading this guide. It discusses the emerging use cases of blockchain and the changing project management landscape as governments adopt digital ledgers and artists and game developers create non-fungible tokens. Merkle trees, hashing, mining, nodes, proof of work and proof of stake, consensus techniques, encryption, and vulnerabilities are all covered in the book.

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